The Xavier University Newswire
Recent News
XU Women's Center hosts mixer for childcare initiative
This Tuesday, the Women's Center threw a "Babysitting Mixer" at their base of operations in order to promote a Child Care Initiative....
Club Profile: Equestrian Team
The Xavier University Equestrian Team (XUET) is one of the fastest growing competitive teams at Xavier. Since 2009, the team has...
Philosophy professor receives award
Department of Philosophy professor and head of Philosophy Richard Polt, Ph.D. was recently announced as the inaugural recipient of the...
Xavier Dining hosts first Valentine's Day Dinner in Hoff Dining Commons
Couples still looking for plans this Valentine's Day have an opportunity for a romantic evening, courtesy of a new program through...
Valentine's dance in Cintas
On Friday, Feb. 1 Gentlemen Organized for Achievement & Leadership (G.O.A.L.), Ladies with Emphasis on Achievement & Distinction...
Alternative Breaks' silent auction in GSC succeeds past fundrasing goals
The Alternative Break (AB) Silent Auction was held in the Gallagher Student Center (GSC) from Wednesday, Jan. 30 to Thursday, Jan. 31....
Third annual Great Debate hosted in the GSC Theater
Xavier University hosted the third annual Great Debate on Friday, Feb. 1, in the Gallagher Student Center Theater. This year's debate...
XSADDED and Ultimate Chili Cook-Off hosted in Gallagher Student Center
On Friday, Feb. 1, XSADDED held their second annual chili cook-off in the Gallagher Student Center atrium. There were about 60 people in...
MLK Week at XU
Xavier University kicked off
Professor profile: Dr. Jerry Braun, Management Information Systems
Xavier Newswire sat down with Associate Professor of Management Information Systems Dr. Jerry Braun. Xavier Newswire: What classes do...
"Not So Common Hour" gives students opportunity to vocalize problems
Residence Life, the Academic Advising Center (AAC) and sev- eral other departments on cam- pus will begin a series of ses- sions this...
SGA appoints new senators and SAC members for 2013
Three new senators have been elected to the Student Government Association (SGA) for the 2013- 2014 academic year. Olivia Capannari is a...
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra's II
- Bullet to the Head misses its target
- Casual Vacany leaves the reader feeling unfulfilled
- Songs in the Key of... "LOVE" : Players' new show to be annual event
- Respect yourself first
- The future of Xavier
- An inside look into an English professor's academic conferences and conventions