The Xavier University Newswire
Recent News
Awareness of Islamophobia
On Sept. 19, Brueggeman Center is hosting the Islamophobia and Racism in this Election Year presentation. The presentation will be held...
Steven Herbert, Ph.D. named new Dean of the Graduate School
Steven T. Herbert, Ph.D. has assumed his new position as the dean of the graduate school and associate provost for academic affairs at...
Wrecking Crew: Buckets bring new sound to Cintas
Many Cincinnati natives are familiar with the bucket drummers that perform outside of Reds games every night. But not as many people...
X-Mile:Freestyle Rap Contest
X-Mile, Xavier's first freestyle rap contest is taking place at 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 12 in the Gallagher Student Center Atrium. The event...
Rabbi Abie travels to Cameroon for CAMSU Conference
Rabbi Abie Ingber returned on Aug. 31 from a trip to Cameroon to give two presentations at a Cameroon Muslim Students' Union (CAMSU)...
Pope John Paul II exhibit arrives in Cincinnati
The "A Blessing to One Another: Pope John Paul II & The Jewish People" exhibit reopened on Monday in Cincinnati at the Hebrew Union...
Boat dance moved
The annual boat dance hosted by Student Activities Council will be occurring earlier in the year than it has been in previous years. The...
Auxiliary Services to re-distribute incorrect parking permits
During the inaugural use of the new online parking permit system, some commuter students ran into some issues, including permits for the...
Mello Yello Tour Comes to Xavier
On Sept. 6, the Mello Yello Experiential Sampling Tour will be on Xavier University grounds. The theme of the tour is Retro. There are...
CFJ and Performing Arts welcome new staff
The Center for Faith and Justice (CFJ) and the Department of Performing Arts at Xavier both welcomed new staff members this summer among...
Faculty resign from Center for International Education
After only a year as the first fulltime study abroad coordinator, Laura Johnson has left her position at the Center for International...
Convenience store set to open Sept. 4
On Sept. 4, Xavier's convenience store will open in the area previously occupied by FLiX in the Gallagher Student Center. The store will...
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra's II
- Bullet to the Head misses its target
- Casual Vacany leaves the reader feeling unfulfilled
- Songs in the Key of... "LOVE" : Players' new show to be annual event
- Respect yourself first
- The future of Xavier
- An inside look into an English professor's academic conferences and conventions