The Xavier University Newswire Crime
Recent Crime News
Police Notes
Sept. 26, 2:30 a.m. - Xavier Police stopped three juvenile suspects who were possibly involved in a robbery in the Norwood Plaza. The...
Police Notes of the summer
June 4, 1:33 p.m. - An employee reported the theft of a punching bag belonging to the boxing club from the armory. June 13, 11:13...
Police Notes-3/21/12
March 13, 3:40 p.m. - Xavier Police stopped two subjects who were taking scrap metal out of the woods in the R2 lot. The subjects were...
Police Notes-2/29/12
Feb. 21 8:22 p.m. — A car was broken into in a private parking lot in the 1100 block of Dana Avenue. A purse was taken from the...
Police Notes-2/01/11
Jan. 24 7:57 p.m. — A student reported that his/her driver's side mirror had been damaged while parked in the C-5 lot. Jan. 25...
Police Notes-01/25/12
Jan. 18 12:02 a.m. – Xavier Police assisted Residence Life with a room search in Kuhlman Hall. Two fictitious IDs were confiscated...
Police Notes-01/18/12
Jan. 10 5:33 p.m. – Xavier Police responded to reports of a fight in progress at Donna's Carry-Out. Xavier Police observed the...
Police Notes-01-11-12
Dec. 2 1:36 a.m. — Xavier Police responded with Cincinnati Police to an intrusion alarm at the United Dairy Farmers at Dana...
Police Notes-11/30/11
Nov. 17 2:56 p.m. – A student reported the theft of an iPod cord from his/her unlocked vehicle in the Village Lot. Nov. 18 5:17...
Police Notes-11/16/11
Nov 8 8:40 p.m. – Xavier Police and Residence Life assisted two roommates having a dispute. Residence Life will follow up with the...
Police Notes-11/9/11
Nov. 3 8:31 a.m. – A physical plant employee reported damage to the Xavier Yard after an unknown vehicle drove on the grass the...
Increase of drug usage at Xavier
Over the past four years, despite a 25 percent decrease in general crime, Xavier's Police Notes have seen a notable increase in...
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra's II
- Bullet to the Head misses its target
- Casual Vacany leaves the reader feeling unfulfilled
- Songs in the Key of... "LOVE" : Players' new show to be annual event
- Respect yourself first
- The future of Xavier
- An inside look into an English professor's academic conferences and conventions